Experienced business leaders
focused on delivering outstanding results
It felt dramatically different – the resonance with the rest of the business, the clarity, the credibility … I am excited to witness the journey ahead.
Kirsty Dullahide,
GM Strategy Wealth, Australian Unity
Sue quickly understands a business and develops smart solutions which achieve significant client outcomes.
Elizabeth Pakchung,
Chairman, H&M (Australia)
"Not only are you strategic, you know what is needed to translate strategy into results"
Mark Hand,
Managing Director, Corporate & Commercial, ANZ
Sue Oddie and David Crundall are the principals of Blue Sky Strategy.
We are highly motivated energised leaders, experienced in running and transforming businesses, focused on delivering outstanding results for our clients.
Sue and David’s experience includes:
- Corporate and business strategies for top 10 listed ASX companies
- Substantially growing profits of complex businesses
- Transforming an established business to increase profits by 300% and doubling market share
- Building a start up to $1billion in funds to capture a lucrative customer segment
- Identifying emerging digital trends and how to re-orient a business and its offering to capitalise on these
- Restructuring the distribution capability across businesses to leverage synergies and take advantage of emerging opportunities
- Rebranding and repositioning businesses with target customers
- Devising and implementing a new business and operating model to enhance the customer experience and sustained revenue flows
- Building innovative solutions leading to dramatic improvements in customer experience
- Building digital capability and distribution
- Building risk frameworks for businesses, including a margin lending business owned by one of the four major banks, to withstand the market volatility during the GFC
- Implementation of an enterprise wide value at risk framework for ASX top 50 company
- Design of capital management frameworks and preparation of ICAAP reports
- Design and implementation of risk management frameworks for ASX top 50 companies
- Restructuring of derivative portfolios to meet accounting standards
- Design of socially focused funding model for State Housing Authority
- One of seven executives to turn around profitability of a commercial free-to-air television network
- Set up and management of PMOs
- Facilitation of off-sites and workshops, mentoring and coaching leaders and their leadership teams
We have experience in media, financial services, retail, consumer, business to business, wealth, on-line, and professional services.